How Your Family Travel Can Be Both Fun and Enriching for School!

Hello, everyone! I’m Teacher Jane, and with the June holidays fast approaching, I know many of you are planning family trips. While vacations are a great way to relax and unwind, they can also be fantastic opportunities for learning and growth. Today, I’m going to share some fun and lively ways to make your family…

PSLE Results: A Day of Reckoning or a Step Towards Holistic Growth?

PSLE Results: A Day of Reckoning or a Step Towards Holistic Growth?

Tomorrow, the Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) results shall be released. It will be a day of reckoning. It will be a day of emotion. Most of all, it will be a day of family-bonding because, dear parents and students, you will look at the grades and see your family’s hard work over the numerals…